Year: 2023
Journey to the Edge of Reason: The Life of Kurt Gödel by Stephen Budiansky
teejee2008/timeshift: System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is running or from Live CD/USB.
Ombra mai fu – Handel
Lucia Popp
Aniseed – Анасон
Anise (/ˈænɪs/; Pimpinella anisum), also called aniseed or rarely anix is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia.
The flavor and aroma of its seeds have similarities with some other spices and herbs, such as star anise, fennel, licorice, and tarragon. It is widely cultivated and used to flavor food, candy, and alcoholic drinks, especially around the Mediterranean.
Aniseed – Анасон
Anise (/ˈænɪs/; Pimpinella anisum), also called aniseed or rarely anix is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia.
The flavor and aroma of its seeds have similarities with some other spices and herbs, such as star anise, fennel, licorice, and tarragon. It is widely cultivated and used to flavor food, candy, and alcoholic drinks, especially around the Mediterranean.
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
search widely for food or provisions. ▶
obtain (food) by searching.
food for horses and cattle.
an act of foraging.
forager noun
ME: from OFr. fourrage
(n.), fourrager
(v.), from fuerre
‘straw’, of Gmc origin and related to fodder….
Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary
1for·agePronunciation: ‘fȯr-ij, ‘fär-Function: nounEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from fuerre, foer fodder, straw, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German fuotar food, fodder ― more at FOODDate: 14th century
1 : food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazing
2 [2forage] : the act of foraging : search for provisions
2forageFunction: verbInflected Form: for·aged ; for·ag·ingDate: 15th century
transitive verb
1 : to strip of provisions : collect forage from
2 : to secure by foraging <foraged a chicken for the feast>
intransitive verb
1 : to wander in search of forage or food
2 : to secure forage (as for horses) by stripping the country
4 : to make a search : RUMMAGE
–for·ag·er noun
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
search widely for food or provisions. ▶
obtain (food) by searching.
food for horses and cattle.
an act of foraging.
forager noun
ME: from OFr. fourrage
(n.), fourrager
(v.), from fuerre
‘straw’, of Gmc origin and related to fodder….
Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary
1for·agePronunciation: ‘fȯr-ij, ‘fär-Function: nounEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from fuerre, foer fodder, straw, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German fuotar food, fodder ― more at FOODDate: 14th century
1 : food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazing
2 [2forage] : the act of foraging : search for provisions
2forageFunction: verbInflected Form: for·aged ; for·ag·ingDate: 15th century
transitive verb
1 : to strip of provisions : collect forage from
2 : to secure by foraging <foraged a chicken for the feast>
intransitive verb
1 : to wander in search of forage or food
2 : to secure forage (as for horses) by stripping the country
4 : to make a search : RUMMAGE
–for·ag·er noun
How to Find Active Directory User’s Last Logon Date & Time
Source: How to Find Active Directory User’s Last Logon Date & Time
openvpn – Is there a real way to connect to WatchGuard’s VPN from Linux?
Source: openvpn – Is there a real way to connect to WatchGuard’s VPN from Linux? – Server Fault