
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
■ verb bring about or initiate. ▶(instigate someone to/to do something) incite someone to do something.

instigation noun
instigator noun

C16 (earlier (ME) as instigation): from L. instigat-, instigare ‘urge, incite’.

Concise Oxford Thesaurus
▶ verb
they instigated formal proceedings: SET IN MOTION, get under way, get off the ground, start, commence, begin, initiate, launch, institute, set up, inaugurate, establish, organize; actuate, generate, bring about; start the ball rolling; informal kick off.
he instigated men to refuse allegiance: INCITE, encourage, urge, goad, provoke, spur on, push, press, prompt, induce, prevail upon, motivate, influence, persuade, sway; informal put up to.

halt, dissuade.

v. поттикнува, разговорува, подбуцнува; потстрек

English-Serbian dictionary

Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary
Pronunciation: ‘in(t)-stə-ˌgāt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: -gat·ed ; -gat·ing
Etymology: Latin instigatus, past participle of instigare ― more at STICK
Date: 1542

: to goad or urge forward : PROVOKE
synonyms see INCITE
–in·sti·ga·tion \ˌin(t)-stə-‘gā-shən\ noun
–in·sti·ga·tive \’in(t)-stə-ˌgā-tiv\ adjective
–in·sti·ga·tor \-ˌgā-tər\ noun

Instigate was last modified: September 7th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

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