while read -r f
echo "Count is at ${count}"
done < <(ls)
Source: Variable incremented in bash while loop resets to 0 when loop finishes – Stack Overflow
while read -r f
echo "Count is at ${count}"
done < <(ls)
Source: Variable incremented in bash while loop resets to 0 when loop finishes – Stack Overflow
Source: files – How do I loop through only directories in bash? – Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Source: files – How do I loop through only directories in bash? – Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
bash yourscript
Source: How do I execute a file from a FAT USB drive? – Ask Ubuntu
Source: escaping – Bash script to cd to directory with spaces in pathname – Stack Overflow
Source: BASH Shell: For Loop File Names With Spaces – nixCraft
In order to just copy the video and audio bitstream, thus without quality loss:
ffmpeg -i filename.mkv -c:v copy -c:a copy output.avi
If you want FFmpeg to convert video and audio automatically:
ffmpeg -i filename.mkv output.avi
Source: video – How to convert an MKV to AVI with minimal loss – Super User
Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionarysta·sisPronunciation: ‘stā-səs, ‘sta-Function: nounInflected Form: pluralsta·ses \‘stā-ˌsēz, ‘sta-\Etymology: New Latin, fromGreek, act or condition of standing, stopping, from histasthai to stand ― more at STANDDate: 1745
1: a slowing or stoppage of the normal flow of a bodily fluid or semifluid: as a: slowing of the current of circulating blood b: reduced motility of the intestines with retention of feces
2 a: a state of static balance or equilibrium : STAGNATIONb: a state or period of stability during which little or no evolutionary change in a lineage occurs-stasisFunction: noun combining formInflected Form: plural-stasesEtymology: New Latin, from Greek stasis
1: stoppage : slowing <hemostasis> <bacteriostasis>
2: stable state <homeostasis>…Concise Oxford English Dictionarystasis’steɪsɪs, ‘sta-■ noun
formal or technical a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium.
Medicine a stoppage of flow of a body fluid.
C18: mod. L., from Gk, lit. ‘standing, stoppage’, from sta-, base of histanai’to stand’.-stasis■ combining form (plural -stases) Physiology slowing down; stopping: haemostasis.
-static combining form.
from Gk stasis ‘standing, stoppage’….EngMacstasisn. (pl. stases) 1. med. стаза.; 2. стагнација, стагнирање
It turns out that I just needed to trick the TV into thinking it was the DivX codec when it is really the xvid codec, by changing the video tag (or FourCC to DIVX
) using -tag:v DIVX
avconv -i input.mp4 -c:v libxvid -c:a libmp3lame -b 700k -tag:v DIVX output.avi