linux – How to use ffmpeg to encode a file with possible error?

I have a video file, which contains some error. The file is readable, but possible some blocks are wrong during some disk operation. So while playing the video, a few seconds will no be displayed correctly. Most media player will let me play this file without crash.

Now I want to use ffmpeg to encode the file into some other format. But the re-encode process is blocked by that error.

I want to know if there’s anyway to let ffmpeg to ignore that error, just like the media players. It can just ignore/skip that few seconds, and continue working on the rest.

  • The player might have different error concealment methods. To my knowledge, there’s no such option. If the stream is incorrectly parsed, FFmpeg will rather quit than produce garbage. Can you add the full output log of such a conversion you’re trying?

The simple solution I found, is to use the -ss option to skip the place that have errors.

linux – How to use ffmpeg to encode a file with possible error? was last modified: September 7th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic


Concise Oxford English Dictionary
■ verb bring about or initiate. ▶(instigate someone to/to do something) incite someone to do something.

instigation noun
instigator noun

C16 (earlier (ME) as instigation): from L. instigat-, instigare ‘urge, incite’.

Concise Oxford Thesaurus
▶ verb
they instigated formal proceedings: SET IN MOTION, get under way, get off the ground, start, commence, begin, initiate, launch, institute, set up, inaugurate, establish, organize; actuate, generate, bring about; start the ball rolling; informal kick off.
he instigated men to refuse allegiance: INCITE, encourage, urge, goad, provoke, spur on, push, press, prompt, induce, prevail upon, motivate, influence, persuade, sway; informal put up to.

halt, dissuade.

v. поттикнува, разговорува, подбуцнува; потстрек

English-Serbian dictionary

Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary
Pronunciation: ‘in(t)-stə-ˌgāt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: -gat·ed ; -gat·ing
Etymology: Latin instigatus, past participle of instigare ― more at STICK
Date: 1542

: to goad or urge forward : PROVOKE
synonyms see INCITE
–in·sti·ga·tion \ˌin(t)-stə-‘gā-shən\ noun
–in·sti·ga·tive \’in(t)-stə-ˌgā-tiv\ adjective
–in·sti·ga·tor \-ˌgā-tər\ noun

Instigate was last modified: September 7th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

How to convert VOB files to mkv with FFmpeg

You have just ripped a movie from a DVD and you want to store it in a compressed format with multi-language audio tracks, subtitles and high quality video.

How to convert VOB files to mkv with FFmpeg was last modified: September 7th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic


In music, SATB is an initialism for soprano, alto, tenor and bass, defining the voice types required by a chorus or choir to perform a particular musical work. Pieces written for SATB (the most common combination, and used by most hymn tunes) can be sung by choruses of mixed genders, by choirs of men and boys, or by four soloists.

There is a lack of general agreement on other initialisms/abbreviations. Tr for Treble, Mz (or similar) for Mezzo-soprano, Ba, Bar or Bari for Baritone are self-explanatory, while C could be taken for canto, the highest part, or for Contralto, usually implying a female alto(s) as opposed to a Countertenor (Ct). SCTB is commonly found in Romantic Italian opera choruses where the Alto singers portray a group of female protagonists on stage.[citation needed]

SATB div. (divisi, or divided) denotes that one or more individual parts divide into two or more parts at some point in the piece, often sharing the same staff. A single choir with two of each voice type should be written SSAATTBB, unless it is laid out for two identical choirs, in which case it is SATB/SATB. Soloists are written in small type, e.g. satb/SATB. In both these instances a space may be substituted for the slash (/).[citation needed] Publishers usually include such descriptions in their catalogues of choral works, although many fail to provide sufficient detail, commonly omitting, for example, the term div. where it is required fully to describe the resources required by the composer. Also misleading can be the use of B for a Baritone part or S for an Mz part as for example in Stanford‘s motet “Eternal Father” which, though marked SSATBB, is for one each of soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone and bass.

Early musicEdit

SATB was last modified: August 31st, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

How can i convert a mkv file to mpg or avi with avconv?

avconv -i infile.mkv -c:a copy -c:v copy outfile.avi

This will not modify the quality.

avconv -i infile.mkv -c:a ac3 -ab 96k -ac 2 -c:v mpeg4 -s 640x352 -b 800k -bufsize 20M outfile.avi

This should change size to ‘ripped’ avi of medium quality (not tested).

How can i convert a mkv file to mpg or avi with avconv? was last modified: August 31st, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

Bash script for converting multiple DVD folders in avi/DiVX/XVID

shopt -s dotglob
while IFS= read -r d ; do
echo ${CurrD[$n]}
done < <(find “$c” -name VIDEO_TS)

while [ $X -lt $n ]; do
cd “${CurrD[$X]}”
echo $PWD
for f in *.VOB ; do ffmpeg -i “$f” -b:v 3000k -b:a 128k -tag:v DIVX “${f%.VOB}.avi”; done
X=$(($X + 1))

Bash script for converting multiple DVD folders in avi/DiVX/XVID was last modified: August 29th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic