code = encode(msg,n,k,’linear/
code = encode(msg,n,k,’cyclic/
code = encode(msg,n,k,’hamming/
code = encode(msg,n,k)
[code,added] = encode(…)
Source: Block encoder – MATLAB encode
code = encode(msg,n,k,’linear/
code = encode(msg,n,k,’cyclic/
code = encode(msg,n,k,’hamming/
code = encode(msg,n,k)
[code,added] = encode(…)
Source: Block encoder – MATLAB encode
function ptRads = growbubbles(ptsIn)
%GROWBUBBLES packs maximum radius circles at given central locations
% PTRADS = GROWBUBBLES(PTS) returns the radius of circles at coordinates in PTS with all radii
% maximised but without any circles overlapping. PTS is a P-by-N matrix of P “N-dimensional”
% points.
% If no output argument is given, PTSIN will be plotted as circles (2D) or spheres (3D) to the
% current figure.
% Example:
% % Find the maximum packed radius of 20 random points
% x = rand(20, 2);
% ptRads = growbubbles(x);
% Copyright 2011 Sven Holcombe. This code may be freely used and distributed, so long as it
% maintains this copyright line
[nPts, nDims] = size(ptsIn);
% Make a distance map from each point to all others, making sure pt A to A is infinite
distMap = sqrt(cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i)sum(bsxfun(@minus,ptsIn(i,:), ptsIn).^2,2),1:nPts,’UniformOutput’,false)));
distMap(logical(eye(size(distMap)))) = inf;
% Measure the initial nearest neighbours, setting point radii to half that distance
[nnDists, nn] = min(distMap,[],1);
ptRads = nnDists/2;
% Any pairs of points that are each their nearest neighbour are “finalised” and cannot expand
finalisedMask = arrayfun(@(i)nn(nn(i))==i, 1:nPts);
% Other “open” points can expand one by one
while ~all(finalisedMask)
openPtIds = find(~finalisedMask);
% Find the distance from these points’ circles to all other circles, and get that smallest gap
openDistMap = bsxfun(@minus, bsxfun(@minus, distMap(:, openPtIds), ptRads(openPtIds)), ptRads’);
openPtMinGap = min(openDistMap,[],1);
% Take the smallest gap, expand that point’s circle to close that gap, finalise that point.
[~,idx] = min(openPtMinGap);
ptRads(openPtIds(idx)) = ptRads(openPtIds(idx)) + openPtMinGap(idx);
finalisedMask(openPtIds(idx)) = true;
% If no output given, plot into current figure!
if ~nargout
switch nDims
case 2
hold on
cnrPts = bsxfun(@minus, ptsIn, ptRads(:));
for i = find(ptRads(:)’>0)
rectangle(‘Position’, [ cnrPts(i,:) [2 2]*ptRads(i)], ‘Curvature’,[1 1])
text(ptsIn(i,1), ptsIn(i,2), num2str(i))
axis equal
case 3
hold on
[X,Y,Z] = ellipsoid(0,0,0,1,1,1,50);
cols = interp1(0:6, lines(7), rand(nPts,1)*6);
for i = 1:nPts
surface(X*ptRads(i) + ptsIn(i,1),…
Y*ptRads(i) + ptsIn(i,2),…
Z*ptRads(i) + ptsIn(i,3),…
‘FaceColor’,cols(i,:), ‘EdgeColor’,’none’);
disp(‘Only 2 or 3 dimensional data can be displayed…’)
Source: Growbubbles – maximum radius packing – File Exchange – MATLAB Central
for rings.
Source: Ring (mathematics) – Wikipedia
Josh Ritter (born October 21, 1976) is an American singer, songwriter, musician, and author who performs and records with the Royal City Band. Ritter is known for his distinctive Americana style and narrative lyrics. In 2006 he was named one of the “100 Greatest Living Songwriters” by Paste magazine.
Source: Josh Ritter – Wikipedia