x86 virtualization – Wikipedia

Previously codenamed “Vanderpool”, VT-x represents Intel’s technology for virtualization on the x86 platform. On November 13, 2005, Intel released two models of Pentium 4 (Model 662 and 672) as the first Intel processors to support VT-x. The CPU flag for VT-x capability is “vmx”; in Linux, this can be checked via /proc/cpuinfo, or in macOS via sysctl machdep.cpu.features.[19]

“vmx” stands for Virtual Machine Extensions, which adds ten new instructions: VMPTRLD, VMPTRST, VMCLEAR, VMREAD, VMWRITE, VMCALL, VMLAUNCH, VMRESUME, VMXOFF, and VMXON.[20] These instructions permit entering and exiting a virtual execution mode where the guest OS perceives itself as running with full privilege (ring 0), but the host OS remains protected.

As of 2015, almost all newer server, desktop and mobile Intel processors support VT-x, with some of the Intel Atom processors as the primary exception.[21] With some motherboards, users must enable Intel’s VT-x feature in the BIOS setup before applications can make use of it.

Intel started to include Extended Page Tables (EPT),a technology for page-table virtualization,[24] since the Nehalem architecture, released in 2008. In 2010, Westmere added support for launching the logical processor directly in real mode – a feature called “unrestricted guest”, which requires EPT to work.[27][28]

Since the Haswell microarchitecture (announced in 2013), Intel started to include VMCS shadowing as a technology that accelerates nested virtualization of VMMs.[29] The virtual machine control structure (VMCS) is a data structure in memory that exists exactly once per VM, while it is managed by the VMM. With every change of the execution context between different VMs, the VMCS is restored for the current VM, defining the state of the VM’s virtual processor.[30] As soon as more than one VMM or nested VMMs are used, a problem appears in a way similar to what required shadow page table management to be invented, as described above. In such cases, VMCS needs to be shadowed multiple times (in case of nesting) and partially implemented in software in case there is no hardware support by the processor. To make shadow VMCS handling more efficient, Intel implemented hardware support for VMCS shadowing.

Source: x86 virtualization – Wikipedia

x86 virtualization – Wikipedia was last modified: February 8th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh (/ˈɡɪlɡəmɛʃ/) is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia that is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature. The literary history of Gilgamesh begins with five Sumerian poems about Bilgamesh (Sumerian for “Gilgamesh”), king of Uruk, dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur ( 2100 BC). These independent stories were later used as source material for a combined epic in Akkadian. The first surviving version of this combined epic, known as the “Old Babylonian” version, compiled by Sîn-lēqi-unninni, dates to the 18th century BC and is titled after its incipit, Shūtur eli sharrī (“Surpassing All Other Kings”). Only a few tablets of it have survived. The later “standard” version dates from the 13th to the 10th centuries BC and bears the incipit Sha naqba īmuru (“He who Saw the Abyss”, in modern terms: “He who Sees the Unknown”). Approximately two thirds of this longer, twelve-tablet version have been recovered. Some of the best copies were discovered in the library ruins of the 7th-century BC Assyrian king Ashurbanipal.


Epic of Gilgamesh was last modified: February 8th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

Andrew Tridgell

AndrewTridgeTridgell (born 28 February 1967) is an Australian computer programmer. He is the author of and a contributor to the Samba file server, and co-inventor of the rsync algorithm.

He has analysed complex proprietary protocols and algorithms, to allow compatible free and open source software implementations.

Source: Andrew Tridgell – Wikipedia

Andrew Tridgell was last modified: February 6th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

The Firebird

The Firebird (French: L’Oiseau de feu; Russian: Жар-птица, translit. Zhar-ptitsa) is a ballet and orchestral concert work by the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. It was written for the 1910 Paris season of Sergei Diaghilev‘s Ballets Russes company; the original choreography was by Michel Fokine, with a scenario by Alexandre Benois and Fokine based on the Russian fairy tales of the Firebird and the blessing and curse it possesses for its owner. When first performed at the Opéra de Paris on 25 June 1910, the work was an instant success with both audience and critics.

The ballet has historic significance not only as Stravinsky’s breakthrough piece, but also as the beginning of the collaboration between Diaghilev and Stravinsky that would also produce the acclaimed ballets Petrushka (1911) and The Rite of Spring (1913).

Source: The Firebird – Wikipedia

The Firebird was last modified: February 8th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

Music appreciation

In North America, music appreciation courses often focus on Western art music, commonly called “Classical music“. Usually music appreciation classes involve some history lessons to explain why people of a certain era liked the music that they did. “Appreciation,” in this context, means the understanding of the value and merit of different styles of music. Music appreciation classes also typically include information about the composers, the instruments and ensembles, and the different styles of music from an era. Music appreciation courses are widely available in universities and colleges. Typically, these courses are designed for non-music majors. A significant part of music appreciation courses is listening to recordings of musical pieces or excerpts from pieces such as symphonies, opera arias and concertos. In some music appreciation classes, the class may go out to hear a live musical performance by an orchestra or chamber music group.


Music appreciation was last modified: February 5th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

Classical Music Forums – Talk Classical

Lyric Coloratura Soprano: Beverly Sills, Natalie Dessay, Lily Pons,
Dramatic Coloratura Soprano: Joan Sutherland, Edda Moser, Rita Shane
Light Lyric Soprano: Annick Massis, Dawn Upshaw, Barbara Bonney,
Full Lyric Soprano: Anna Moffo, Renee Fleming, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Kiri Te Kanawa
Spinto Soprano: Martina Arroyo, Leontyne Price, Sondra Radvanovsky, Renata Tebaldi
Dramatic Soprano: Ghena Dmitrova, Kirsten Flagstad, Helen Traubel, Eva Marton

coloratura mezzo: Joyce di Donato, Cecilia Bartoli, Malena Ernman
lyric mezzo: Janet Baker, Jennifer Larmore, Elina Garanca
dramatic mezzo: Elena Obraztsova, Viorica Cortez, Dolora Zajick, Milla Edelman

contralto: Ewa Podles, Maureen Forrester, Kathleen Ferrier, Marian Anderson

tenor leggiero: Juan Diego Flores, Rockwell Blake, John McCormick
lyric tenor: Luciano Pavarotti, Nicolai Gedda, Giuseppe di Stefano, Jussi Bjorling
spinto tenor: Jonas Kaufmann, Franco Corelli, Anatoly Solovyanenko, John Alexander
dramatic tenor: Mario del Monaco, Giuseppe Giacomini, Enrico Caruso,

lyric baritone: Herman Prey, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Peter Mattei, Thomas Allen
dramatic baritone: Tito Gobbi, Cornel Macneil, Mykola Kondratyuk, Nicolae Herlea

bass-baritone: Byrn Terfel, Willard White, Hans Hotter, Ilabrando D’arcangelo
basso cantante: Samuel Ramey, Nicolai Ghiaurov, Jerome Hines
basso profondo: Paul Robeson, Boris Shtokolov, Boris Christoff


Classical Music Forums – Talk Classical was last modified: February 4th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic

A command to list all users? And how to add, delete, modify users?

Some more useful user-management commands (also limited to local users):

To add a new user you can use:

sudo adduser new_username


sudo useradd new_username

See also: What is the difference between adduser and useradd?

To remove/delete a user, first you can use:

sudo userdel username

Then you may want to delete the home directory for the deleted user account :

sudo rm -r /home/username

(Please use with caution the above command!)

To modify the username of a user:

usermod -l new_username old_username

To change the password for a user:

sudo passwd username

To change the shell for a user:

sudo chsh username

To change the details for a user (for example real name):

sudo chfn username

And, of course, see also: man adduser, man useradd, man userdel… and so on.

To add a user to the sudo group:

usermod -aG sudo username

Source: A command to list all users? And how to add, delete, modify users? – Ask Ubuntu

A command to list all users? And how to add, delete, modify users? was last modified: February 4th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic


Larghissimo – very, very slow (24 bpm and under)
Adagissimo – very slowly
Grave – very slow (25–45 bpm)
Largo – broadly (40–60 bpm)
Lento – slowly (45–60 bpm)
Larghetto – rather broadly (60–66 bpm)
Adagio – slowly with great expression[8] (66–76 bpm)
Adagietto – slower than andante (72–76 bpm) or slightly faster than adagio (70–80 bpm)
Andante – at a walking pace (76–108 bpm)
Andantino – slightly faster than andante (although, in some cases, it can be taken to mean slightly slower than andante) (80–108 bpm)
Marcia moderato – moderately, in the manner of a march[9][10] (83–85 bpm)
Andante moderato – between andante and moderato (thus the name) (92–112 bpm)
Moderato – at a moderate speed (108–120 bpm)
Allegretto – by the mid 19th century, moderately fast (112–120 bpm); see paragraph above for earlier usage
Allegro moderato – close to, but not quite allegro (116–120 bpm)
Allegro – fast, quickly, and bright (120–156 bpm) (molto allegro is slightly faster than allegro, but always in its range)
Vivace – lively and fast (156–176 bpm)
Vivacissimo – very fast and lively (172–176 bpm)
Allegrissimo or Allegro vivace – very fast (172–176 bpm)
Presto – very, very fast (168–200 bpm)
Prestissimo – even faster than presto (200 bpm and over)
Source: Tempo – Wikipedia

Tempo was last modified: February 5th, 2019 by Jovan Stosic