Using the occ Command — ownCloud 9.0

File Operations

occ has three commands for managing files in ownCloud:

 files:cleanup              cleanup filecache
 files:scan                 rescan filesystem
 files:transfer-ownership   All files and folders are moved to another
                            user - shares are moved as well. (Added in 9.0)

The files:scan command scans for new files and updates the file cache. You may rescan all files, per-user, a space-delimited list of users, and limit the search path. If not using --quiet, statistics will be shown at the end of the scan:

sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --help
  files:scan [-p|--path="..."] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv --verbose] [--all]
  [user_id1] ... [user_idN]

  user_id               will rescan all files of the given user(s)

  --path                limit rescan to the user/path given
  --all                 will rescan all files of all known users
  --quiet               suppress any output
  --verbose             files and directories being processed are shown
                        additionally during scanning

Verbosity levels of -vv or -vvv are automatically reset to -v

When using the --path option, the path must consist of following components:


where the term files is mandatory.



Source: Using the occ Command — ownCloud 9.0 Server Administration Manual 9.0 documentation

Using the occ Command — ownCloud 9.0 was last modified: July 27th, 2018 by Jovan Stosic

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