Oskar Morgenstern

Oskar Morgenstern (January 24, 1902 – July 26, 1977) was a German-born economist. In collaboration with mathematician John von Neumann, he founded the mathematical field of game theory as applied to the social sciences and strategic decision-making (see von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem).

Companies he served as founder/co-founder of included Market Research Corporation of America, Mathematica and Mathematica Policy Research.


Oskar Morgenstern was last modified: August 19th, 2023 by Jovan Stosic

Remote desktop to Virtual Box

Start the virtual machine with:

VBoxHeadless -s  <vmname>

If the RDP server is working well then as an output from the previous command will be:

Starting virtual machine: VRDE server is listening on port 3389.

If you get an error than:

1. Install relevant extension pack
Check the version of VirtualBox you are running

VBoxManage -v

download the relevant extension pack from VirtualBox site and install it:

sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-x.y.z.w.vbox-extpack

– Enable the VRDE (VirtualBox Remote Desktop Extension)

VBoxManage modifyvm “Ubuntu Server 16.04.5 v2” –vrde on

– Connect remotely to the VirtualBox vm
rdesktop -N <vbox_interface_ip_address>

You may need to install rdesktop if you don’t already have it.

If you get and error then add the address by:

VBoxManage modifyvm <vm_name> –vrdeaddress <vbox_interface_ip_address>

For <vbox_interface_ip_address>  you select the IP of VBox interface that you get with: ifconfig. For example if you are using hostonly network it is the IP of vboxnet0 (e.g.

Additionally it may help:

VBoxManage setproperty vrdeextpack “Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack”


Remote desktop to Virtual Box was last modified: August 15th, 2023 by Jovan Stosic