How do I play a video in Android with zero volume while simultaneously playing music using another MP3 player app at full volume?

  1. Download MX player(for video) and playmusic/Spotify or any app for music/MP3 playback.
  2. Open MX player
  3. Then go to local Player settings> Player> Playback section> and uncheck play alone option.
  4. Go to equaiizer settings (of max player) and make everything( all frequencies) to 0.
  5. Now you can play any video on MX player with zero volume while simultaneously playing music using another MP3 player app at full volume.

Note! If you have a samsung device you can do it by samsung’s built in soundassistant settings.

How do I play a video in Android with zero volume while simultaneously playing music using another MP3 player app at full volume? was last modified: July 8th, 2022 by Jovan Stosic

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