Checking Mount Points … Fail · Issue #191 · meefik/linuxdeploy · GitHub

Currently I am getting the following results. I have SuperSU and busybox installed. Updating cofiguration file … done begin: install chcking mount points … fail press STOP and repeat attemt. <<< end: install I have been trying to figure out why and how to fix this. I haven’t been able to find similar posts. I do know the mmcblk0p6 file is giving me a permission denied, but I have no idea why root access isn’t allowing me to make a copy of that file.

Source: Checking Mount Points … Fail · Issue #191 · meefik/linuxdeploy · GitHub

Checking Mount Points … Fail · Issue #191 · meefik/linuxdeploy · GitHub was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic