Kali Linux on Android Note 3 Guide [Archive] – Kali Linux Forums

This may have been posted some where in the past but I have been searching for some time and found nothing but others looking for this information. So I though I would document what I did to get everything up and running on my note 3 and share it here. From a PC 1. Download kali from the LOA website kalilinux.FULL.ext4.20131031 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxonandroid/files/KaliLinux/kalilinux.FULL.ext4.20131031.zip/download) (5.8 GB Uncompressed) (2.0GB Download) 2. Once the download is complete

Source: Kali Linux on Android Note 3 Guide [Archive] – Kali Linux Forums

Kali Linux on Android Note 3 Guide [Archive] – Kali Linux Forums was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic