Concise Oxford English Dictionary
search widely for food or provisions.
obtain (food) by searching.
food for horses and cattle.
an act of foraging.
forager noun
ME: from OFr. fourrage
(n.), fourrager
(v.), from fuerre
‘straw’, of Gmc origin and related to fodder….
Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary
1for·agePronunciation: ‘fȯr-ij, ‘fär-Function: nounEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from fuerre, foer fodder, straw, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German fuotar food, fodder ― more at FOODDate: 14th century
1 : food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazing
2 [2forage] : the act of foraging : search for provisions
2forageFunction: verbInflected Form: for·aged ; for·ag·ingDate: 15th century
transitive verb
1 : to strip of provisions : collect forage from
2 : to secure by foraging <foraged a chicken for the feast>
intransitive verb
1 : to wander in search of forage or food
2 : to secure forage (as for horses) by stripping the country
4 : to make a search : RUMMAGE
–for·ag·er noun