Year: 2020
Owncloud/Nextcloud – Migration of database to LDAP users
1) In owncloud database change the table : oc_accounts
For the existing owncloud user in the column backend put: OC\User_LDAP\User_Proxy instead of OC\User\Database. For example:
UPDATE oc_accounts SET backend=’OCA\\User_LDAP\\User_Proxy’ WHERE user_id=’my_user’;
2) In table oc_ldap_user_mapping add the LDAP user. For example:
insert into oc_ldap_user_mapping (owncloud_name, ldap_dn, directory_uuid) values(‘my_user’,’cn=User_Name User_Surname,ou=users,dc=ris,dc=mk’,’user_uuid_from_LDAP’);
3) Delete the existing user from oc_users
delete from oc_users where uid=”my_user”;
Migration to LDAP keeping users and data
GitHub – wolfman68/vMailpanel: A php frontend to manage virtual email domains in openldap
Phamm – PHP LDAP Virtual Hosting Manager – Postfix MTA Fronted
wolfman68/vMailpanel: A php frontend to manage virtual email domains in openldap
How to setup self service Password Reset for Openldap and Openldap refusing changing password Error
How to Reset Openldap user password in self service password LTB by email
How To Force Users To Change Their Linux LDAP Password
Installation for Debian/Ubuntu [LDAP Tool Box (LTB)]
ltb-project/self-service-password: Web interface to change and reset password in an LDAP directory