Month: November 2019
Bicuspid aortic valve
Problem: Aortic Valve Stenosis
Bicuspid aortic valve : MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Wilhelm Backhaus
Wilhelm Backhaus (‘Bachaus’ on some record labels) (26 March 1884 – 5 July 1969)[1] was a German pianist and pedagogue. He was particularly well known for his interpretations of Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin and Brahms. He was also much admired as a chamber musician.
Wilhelm Backhaus plays Beethoven, Piano Concerto No.4 – Karl Böhm, Wiener Symphoniker (1967)
Octave: List of Functions for the ‘signal’ package
Octave function reference: sinetone
sinetone (freq, rate, sec, ampl)
Return a sinetone of frequency freq with a length of sec seconds at sampling rate rate and with amplitude ampl. The arguments freq and ampl may be vectors of common size. The defaults are rate = 8000, sec = 1, and ampl = 64. See also: sinewave.
Source: Function Reference: sinetone
Octave function reference: butter filter
sf = 800; sf2 = sf/2; data=[[1;zeros(sf-1,1)],sinetone(25,sf,1,1),sinetone(50,sf,1,1),sinetone(100,sf,1,1)]; [b,a]=butter ( 1, 50 / sf2 ); filtered = filter(b,a,data); clf subplot ( columns ( filtered ), 1, 1) plot(filtered(:,1),";Impulse response;") subplot ( columns ( filtered ), 1, 2 ) plot(filtered(:,2),";25Hz response;") subplot ( columns ( filtered ), 1, 3 ) plot(filtered(:,3),";50Hz response;") subplot ( columns ( filtered ), 1, 4 ) plot(filtered(:,4),";100Hz response;")
Source: Function Reference: butter
Tord Gustavsen
Reinventing the Wireless Plug With ESP8266: 8 Steps