Giacomo Puccini, Renata Tebaldi, Carlo Bergonzi – Great Opera Collection – Music

Celebrating the composer’s 150th Anniversary in 2008, this is a 15-CD definitive collection of his most popular operas in classic performances! Decca’s recordings of Puccini’s operas rank among the very finest ever committed to disc. This legacy was started in 1951 when Renata Tebaldi made her first recording of Madama Butterfly, and throughout the rest of the 1950s Tebaldi recorded Puccini’s other major operas. Tebaldi was cast alongside such distinguished colleagues as Carlo Bergonzi and Mario del Monaco.

Source: Giacomo Puccini, Renata Tebaldi, Carlo Bergonzi – Great Opera Collection – Music

Giacomo Puccini, Renata Tebaldi, Carlo Bergonzi – Great Opera Collection – Music was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

How to Solve the Common Galaxy Note 3 Problems

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phablet currently has faced several technical issues since it has been released on September, 2013. Some Galaxy Note 3 users reported they come across the regional lock for the smartphone, while other problems like reboot loop, handwriting bug, sluggishness, Wifi disconnection and Google play also annoyed many Note 3 owners. Here we walk you through the main Galaxy Note 3 problems followed the related solutions. Hope it can help you fix the problems you met on Note 3.

Source: How to Solve the Common Galaxy Note 3 Problems

How to Solve the Common Galaxy Note 3 Problems was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

How can I mount a NFS share? – Page 2

Well, there already _is_ nfs mount code in busybox, but it was configured away, because it needs the SUN RPC library, which is missing from Android / Bionic. That issue would probably also exist for mount.nfs from other sources, which would most likely also need additional porting work. Thus, I snatched the librpc code from uClibc today, and meddled with it until it compiled in my copy of the CM9 sources. Got it to work! I can now NFS mount on my GNex, and the freshly built and installed was cop

Source: How can I mount a NFS share? – Page 2

How can I mount a NFS share? – Page 2 was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

Goodbye, Evernote: How to export your notes to another app – CNET

If you aren’t a fan of Evernote’s new pricing model, then it might be time to leave Evernote for another note-taking app. Learn how move your Evernote notes to OneNote and OS X Notes.

Source: Goodbye, Evernote: How to export your notes to another app – CNET

Goodbye, Evernote: How to export your notes to another app – CNET was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

Moving Evernote notes into WordPress | Devolve

I’ve accumulated many notes (2000+) in Evernote over the years, and love that it can store binary attachments such as images or other media files. My favorite feature is the Evernote Web Clipper browser extension; it does a fantastic job at saving the parts of an article I want to save while keeping the styling intact.

Evernote has a free plan which I’ve enjoyed for a long time, but recently the financial status of the company has come into question, and they restricted syncing to only two devices. Also, the last thing I want to happen is another kind of Google Reader shutdown fiasco. I doubt that a shutdown would make my existing notes disappear, but it’s better to be prepared ahead of time. To that extent, I’ve been looking for a viable option to migrate my notes into another platform.

Obviously it’s not in Evernote’s best interest to help people migrate away from them, but nevertheless the desktop app provides two flavors of export: one big Evernote XML file with base64 encoded attachments; or a directory of HTML files, one for each note which a correspondingly-named .resources directory holding attachments and web assets for each note.

The technologically savvy searcher can find several projects designed to ETL data from Evernote’s servers and put in into another system. If you wanted to populate a Hugo site with Evernote data, one could use enwrite. If you’re already on WordPress you could try out the Evernote Sync plugin. But with as many notes as I have, pulling the notes from the central server is slow, error-prone, and likely to hit some usage limit that Evernote enforces. The best approach for me is to use the desktop app’s export feature and then transform it into something digestible by WordPress.

my solution

Following this track, I first thought of writing a converter for the giant Enex (Evernote XML) file to make it into one or more RSS / WXR files, then using the associated native importer for WordPress. But I wasn’t sure how to keep all the base64 attachments, or if I would be able to keep the metadata I wanted. After many fits and starts, I saw the WordPress plugin HTML Import 2. This is the solution that worked for me, but there’s no free lunch, and it took me at least five tries with it to get what I wanted. In fact it says plainly in the documentation that you won’t get it right the first time. 🙂

Making it work consists of going through about 5 panes of plugin settings, transforming the Evernote HTML files a bit, and putting all the files in the right place.

Source: Moving Evernote notes into WordPress | Devolve

Moving Evernote notes into WordPress | Devolve was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

Creating Quick Blog Posts with Press This – Make WordPress Support

Overview Press This provides a fast and easy way to clip text, images and videos from any website and share it on your blog without ever needing to leave the site you are currently on. As you surf …

Source: Creating Quick Blog Posts with Press This – Make WordPress Support

Creating Quick Blog Posts with Press This – Make WordPress Support was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

20 Free Chrome Extensions for WordPress You Need Now – WPMU DEV

WordPress is an amazingly powerful CMS on its own, but if you could make it even faster and better right in your Chrome browser, wouldn’t you go for it? I would and that’s why I’ve compiled this list of the best Chrome extensions to pair with WordPress in this Weekend WordPress Project. What’s covered? I’ve sorted the lightweight and free extensions below to help you with: blogging and writing, styling and design, productivity and organization, site performance, and development. With these tools, you can get help improving your workflow and efficiency, making quick work of your tasks in WordPress.

Source: 20 Free Chrome Extensions for WordPress You Need Now – WPMU DEV

20 Free Chrome Extensions for WordPress You Need Now – WPMU DEV was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

Fix structured data errors (HATOM) in Google Webmaster Tools | Drafie’s Design

Error: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry, Missing required field – How to fix microformat errors for WordPress sites based on Suffusion

Source: Fix structured data errors (HATOM) in Google Webmaster Tools | Drafie’s Design

Fix structured data errors (HATOM) in Google Webmaster Tools | Drafie’s Design was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

Ebay cheap TDA7498 boards – diyAudio

I’m building a hi-fi for my wife for christmas and just bought one of these TDA7498 boards to do the heavy lifting of driving the speakers:

TDA7498 100W 100W Class D High Power Amplifier Board DC20V to DC36V | eBay

There seem to be tons like them on eBay.

Anyone had any experience with them? Any modifications that have to be made to make them sound good? They look fairly decent, with WIMA type caps on the output filter and a decent heatsink…

Source: Ebay cheap TDA7498 boards – diyAudio

Ebay cheap TDA7498 boards – diyAudio was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic

ide – How do I debug on-chip with Arduino? – Arduino Stack Exchange

Though an emulator is quite useful for debugging code that has no side effects, most real-world applications include some circuitry besides the Arduino. If a microcontroller on an Arduino had a JTAG interface, it would be pretty straight-forward, but what if it’s e.g. an Arduino Uno?

Source: ide – How do I debug on-chip with Arduino? – Arduino Stack Exchange

ide – How do I debug on-chip with Arduino? – Arduino Stack Exchange was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic