Two projects are very similar.2) Orange PI PC with Kodi (I also would use OpenELEC, but my board have broken hdmi bus)
How did HDMI port brake?
4) Amplifier class D with ( TPA3116( class DI have make a class AB amplifier, almost working in Zone A, but now I’m not using that need to finish the preamplifier and box.)
I know the quality of class D is under some discrete classa A\AB amplifier )and, of course, vacum tube amplifier) but now some circuits have a good quality and the ratio qualitt/price is anwinble. The price of my multimedia center (i will put all inside one case) will be around 100 euro, but the quality of music will be medium/hight
With my dac at least I have no problems of background noise, and use an ordinary switching power supply.
in my case the 5V power suply is reduced inside the dac to 3.3V by a smd linear regulator. The dac is the first part of analogic signal, then i think i can have advantageusing a itium battery; so Sabre ES9023 run better with 3,6V power supply.
so i want in the future upgrade the ampli board with this changes:
Source: HiFi DACs for Orange Pi – page 5 – Add-ons – OrangePi – Powered by Discuz! Archiver