function ptRads = growbubbles(ptsIn)
%GROWBUBBLES packs maximum radius circles at given central locations
% PTRADS = GROWBUBBLES(PTS) returns the radius of circles at coordinates in PTS with all radii
% maximised but without any circles overlapping. PTS is a P-by-N matrix of P “N-dimensional”
% points.
% If no output argument is given, PTSIN will be plotted as circles (2D) or spheres (3D) to the
% current figure.
% Example:
% % Find the maximum packed radius of 20 random points
% x = rand(20, 2);
% ptRads = growbubbles(x);
% Copyright 2011 Sven Holcombe. This code may be freely used and distributed, so long as it
% maintains this copyright line
[nPts, nDims] = size(ptsIn);
% Make a distance map from each point to all others, making sure pt A to A is infinite
distMap = sqrt(cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i)sum(bsxfun(@minus,ptsIn(i,:), ptsIn).^2,2),1:nPts,’UniformOutput’,false)));
distMap(logical(eye(size(distMap)))) = inf;
% Measure the initial nearest neighbours, setting point radii to half that distance
[nnDists, nn] = min(distMap,[],1);
ptRads = nnDists/2;
% Any pairs of points that are each their nearest neighbour are “finalised” and cannot expand
finalisedMask = arrayfun(@(i)nn(nn(i))==i, 1:nPts);
% Other “open” points can expand one by one
while ~all(finalisedMask)
openPtIds = find(~finalisedMask);
% Find the distance from these points’ circles to all other circles, and get that smallest gap
openDistMap = bsxfun(@minus, bsxfun(@minus, distMap(:, openPtIds), ptRads(openPtIds)), ptRads’);
openPtMinGap = min(openDistMap,[],1);
% Take the smallest gap, expand that point’s circle to close that gap, finalise that point.
[~,idx] = min(openPtMinGap);
ptRads(openPtIds(idx)) = ptRads(openPtIds(idx)) + openPtMinGap(idx);
finalisedMask(openPtIds(idx)) = true;
% If no output given, plot into current figure!
if ~nargout
switch nDims
case 2
hold on
cnrPts = bsxfun(@minus, ptsIn, ptRads(:));
for i = find(ptRads(:)’>0)
rectangle(‘Position’, [ cnrPts(i,:) [2 2]*ptRads(i)], ‘Curvature’,[1 1])
text(ptsIn(i,1), ptsIn(i,2), num2str(i))
axis equal
case 3
hold on
[X,Y,Z] = ellipsoid(0,0,0,1,1,1,50);
cols = interp1(0:6, lines(7), rand(nPts,1)*6);
for i = 1:nPts
surface(X*ptRads(i) + ptsIn(i,1),…
Y*ptRads(i) + ptsIn(i,2),…
Z*ptRads(i) + ptsIn(i,3),…
‘FaceColor’,cols(i,:), ‘EdgeColor’,’none’);
disp(‘Only 2 or 3 dimensional data can be displayed…’)
Source: Growbubbles – maximum radius packing – File Exchange – MATLAB Central