Future of Gnome and GTK when whole world is moving to Qt : linux

Future of Gnome and GTK when whole world is moving to Qt from linux

LXDE is switching to Qt as well. Also the KDE folks reworked their libs making them draw similar dependencies as a 3rd party Qt lib. This means Projects like LXDE and Unity can make use of portions of Frameworks 5 without exploding their dependecy lists. The KDE folks also are creating a new website and framework to make it easy to find, fetch and use 3rd party Qt libs. The project is InQlude.org. This is opening up the Qt ecosystem for devlopers and making things easier I don’t think GTK has an equivalent. Desktop wise many of the Qt based DEs such as LXQt and KDE have standardized on a shared display manager SDDM which brings these projects even closer together. This is the opposite of the way thing end up in the GTK world where people branch off quite a bit more.

Furthermore Qt 5 is landing on Android and iOS bridging the way for porting of your favorite apps to these platforms. Where is GTK in these respects? Things are moving fast and Qt devs and projects are working more together to solve problems while GTK is fracturing. If you have a GTK 2 based app you will have to port anyway making it attractive to just port to Qt, projects such as Subsurface have all ready done this and it improved their maintainability and appearance on other platforms making it a win win for them.

Future of Gnome and GTK when whole world is moving to Qt : linux was last modified: July 13th, 2017 by Jovan Stosic