ArduCAM now released a world smallest low cost ESP8266 WIFI IoT camera kit based on ArduCAM-Mini-2MP-V2 and ArduCAM-ESP8266-Nano module. User can implement a 2MP WIFI camera using HTTP or Websocket protocol on ESP8266, and the camera can be acted as an AP and mobile phone/PC can connect to the camera directly or acted as a Station which connected to the home router. The kit can capture 2MP full resolution JPEG still image, even stream low resolution at fairly frame rate video over network or directly save to local SD/TF card. The kit is suitable for portable application, it can be powered from micro-USB or using battery and has build in lithium battery charging circuits. The kit can also be used separately, it is almost identical to standard alone ArduCAM-Mini-2MP camera and ESP8266-12F module. Continue reading “World Smallest ESP8266 WIFI Camera” »
ESP8266 WIFI Camera | Arduino Based Camera
ESP8266 WIFI Camera | Arduino Based Camera was last modified: July 25th, 2017 by