
“C-Chute” is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. It was first published in the October 1951 issue of Galaxy Magazine and later appeared in Asimov’s collections Nightfall and Other Stories (1969) and The Best of Isaac Asimov (1973).

One of the few Asimov stories that feature aliens, the story deals with a group of people imprisoned by an alien race when their spaceship is captured. The emphasis of the story is on the interactions and group psychology of the prisoners, all of whom have differing backgrounds and motivations.

An argument between Asimov and the editor Horace L. Gold over this story was the inspiration for Asimov’s story “The Monkey’s Finger”.

Source: C-Chute – Wikipedia

C-Chute was last modified: July 5th, 2018 by Jovan Stosic

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