You can create a package for android using the python-for-android project. This page explains how to download and use it directly on your own machine (see Packaging with python-for-android), use the prebuilt Kivy Android VM image, or use the Buildozer tool to automate the entire process. You can also see Packaging your application for the Kivy Launcher to run kivy programs without compiling them.
For new users, we recommend using Buildozer as the easiest way to make a full APK. You can also run your Kivy app without a compilation step with the Kivy Launcher app.
Kivy applications can be released on an Android market such as the Play store, with a few extra steps to create a fully signed APK.
The Kivy project includes tools for accessing Android APIs to accomplish vibration, sensor access, texting etc. These, along with information on debugging on the device, are documented at the main Android page.
Python 3 support on Android is now available experimentally.
Source: Create a package for Android — Kivy 1.9.2.dev0 documentation