Equation Construction and Display
There are a variety of tools that are available for the purpose of constructing equations, providing text expressions that can be converted to equations, and displaying equations.
The most common text expression syntax is LaTeX or a derivative with probably the most common form of display being a conversion of the equation to an image file. However, is demonstrated with ASCIIMathML simple text expressions can now be be converted to MathML on the fly.
Some tools for creating and displaying equations on-line that may be of interest to those teaching mathematics are:
- Moodle offers in core a basic TeX filter and an Algebra filter. These are simple but not simplistic. An overview of using these tools can be found at the Using TeX Notation pages. Be aware that these packages are subsets of complete TeX packages and the conventions used are designed more for ease of use within Moodle rather than as complete TeX packages.
- ASCIIMathML, which both converts equations into MathML on the fly and provides a text expression syntax more easily mastered than Tex, though the filter will convert TeX expressions as well. The ASCIIMathML 2.0.2 zip provides all the files necessary for setting ASCIIMathML up as a Moodle filter as well creating run-time graphs with ASCIIsvg. An on-line calculator is also included. Just recently an ASCIIMathML export format for DragMath was added to version 0.7.2, available here, so that you have access to both a GUI and text expression syntax for creating and displaying equations. Quick and GIFless. ASciencePad is also available and consists of htmlarea enhanced with the ASCIIMathML functionality.
- Tim Hunt’s Moodle MathTran Module converts Tex into images on the fly. You can also use mathtran_img.js on a page by page basis.
- The jsMath filter, which does a similar job but using Javascript on the user’s computer
- MathJax_filter, a next generation for jsMath from David Cervone et al that now includes MathML and web font features: [1] A discussion regarding deploying the beta release can be found here: [2]
- Calculated question type
- DragMath equation editor, a WYSIWYG equation editor that integrates easily with the Moodle HTML editor.
- WIRIS, is a suite of math and science tools. www.wiris.com/moodle/
- MathType, an equation editor that allows you to type or handwritte math expressions. Based on MathML and a Javascript interface.
- Wiris Quizzes, a set of question types for math and science topics
- MathML polyfill support (for Chrome) implementation using custom elements [3] (can be added to Moodle via theme custom HTML)
Mathematics teachers may also be interested to follow the work of York University Maths department, who are working on some projects to augment Moodle, particularly its Quiz module for online assessment, for example by integrating a system which is able to mark algebraic and trigonometric answers to open-ended questions
Source: Mathematics – MoodleDocs