Symbol |
LaTeX |
Comment |
Symbol |
LaTeX |
Comment |
≠ {\displaystyle \neq } or ≠ {\displaystyle \neq \,} ![{\displaystyle \neq \,}]( |
\neq or \ne |
is not equal to |
∉ {\displaystyle \notin } ![{\displaystyle \notin }]( |
\notin |
is not member of |
≮ {\displaystyle \nless } ![{\displaystyle \nless }]( |
\nless |
is not less than |
≯ {\displaystyle \ngtr } ![{\displaystyle \ngtr }]( |
\ngtr |
is not greater than |
≰ {\displaystyle \nleq } ![{\displaystyle \nleq }]( |
\nleq |
is not less than or equal to |
≱ {\displaystyle \ngeq } ![{\displaystyle \ngeq }]( |
\ngeq |
is not greater than or equal to |
⪇ {\displaystyle \nleqslant } ![{\displaystyle \nleqslant }]( |
\nleqslant |
⪈ {\displaystyle \ngeqslant } ![{\displaystyle \ngeqslant }]( |
\ngeqslant |
≰ {\displaystyle \nleqq } ![{\displaystyle \nleqq }]( |
\nleqq |
≱ {\displaystyle \ngeqq } ![{\displaystyle \ngeqq }]( |
\ngeqq |
⪇ {\displaystyle \lneq } ![{\displaystyle \lneq }]( |
\lneq |
⪈ {\displaystyle \gneq } ![{\displaystyle \gneq }]( |
\gneq |
≨ {\displaystyle \lneqq } ![{\displaystyle \lneqq }]( |
\lneqq |
≩ {\displaystyle \gneqq } ![{\displaystyle \gneqq }]( |
\gneqq |
≨ {\displaystyle \lvertneqq } ![{\displaystyle \lvertneqq }]( |
\lvertneqq |
≩ {\displaystyle \gvertneqq } ![{\displaystyle \gvertneqq }]( |
\gvertneqq |
⋦ {\displaystyle \lnsim } ![{\displaystyle \lnsim }]( |
\lnsim |
⋧ {\displaystyle \gnsim } ![{\displaystyle \gnsim }]( |
\gnsim |
⪉ {\displaystyle \lnapprox } ![{\displaystyle \lnapprox }]( |
\lnapprox |
⪊ {\displaystyle \gnapprox } ![{\displaystyle \gnapprox }]( |
\gnapprox |
⊀ {\displaystyle \nprec } ![{\displaystyle \nprec }]( |
\nprec |
does not precede |
⊁ {\displaystyle \nsucc } ![{\displaystyle \nsucc }]( |
\nsucc |
does not succeed |
⋠ {\displaystyle \npreceq } ![{\displaystyle \npreceq }]( |
\npreceq |
neither precedes nor equals |
⋡ {\displaystyle \nsucceq } ![{\displaystyle \nsucceq }]( |
\nsucceq |
neither succedes nor equals |
⪵ {\displaystyle \precneqq } ![{\displaystyle \precneqq }]( |
\precneqq |
⪶ {\displaystyle \succneqq } ![{\displaystyle \succneqq }]( |
\succneqq |
⋨ {\displaystyle \precnsim } ![{\displaystyle \precnsim }]( |
\precnsim |
⋩ {\displaystyle \succnsim } ![{\displaystyle \succnsim }]( |
\succnsim |
⪹ {\displaystyle \precnapprox } ![{\displaystyle \precnapprox }]( |
\precnapprox |
⪺ {\displaystyle \succnapprox } ![{\displaystyle \succnapprox }]( |
\succnapprox |
≁ {\displaystyle \nsim } ![{\displaystyle \nsim }]( |
\nsim |
is not similar to |
≆ {\displaystyle \ncong } ![{\displaystyle \ncong }]( |
\ncong |
is not congruent to |
∤ {\displaystyle \nshortmid } ![{\displaystyle \nshortmid }]( |
\nshortmid |
∦ {\displaystyle \nshortparallel } ![{\displaystyle \nshortparallel }]( |
\nshortparallel |
∤ {\displaystyle \nmid } ![{\displaystyle \nmid }]( |
\nmid |
∦ {\displaystyle \nparallel } ![{\displaystyle \nparallel }]( |
\nparallel |
is not parallel with |
⊬ {\displaystyle \nvdash } ![{\displaystyle \nvdash }]( |
\nvdash |
⊭ {\displaystyle \nvDash } ![{\displaystyle \nvDash }]( |
\nvDash |
⊮ {\displaystyle \nVdash } ![{\displaystyle \nVdash }]( |
\nVdash |
⊯ {\displaystyle \nVDash } ![{\displaystyle \nVDash }]( |
\nVDash |
⋪ {\displaystyle \ntriangleleft } ![{\displaystyle \ntriangleleft }]( |
\ntriangleleft |
⋫ {\displaystyle \ntriangleright } ![{\displaystyle \ntriangleright }]( |
\ntriangleright |
⋬ {\displaystyle \ntrianglelefteq } ![{\displaystyle \ntrianglelefteq }]( |
\ntrianglelefteq |
⋭ {\displaystyle \ntrianglerighteq } ![{\displaystyle \ntrianglerighteq }]( |
\ntrianglerighteq |
⊈ {\displaystyle \nsubseteq } ![{\displaystyle \nsubseteq }]( |
\nsubseteq |
⊉ {\displaystyle \nsupseteq } ![{\displaystyle \nsupseteq }]( |
\nsupseteq |
⊈ {\displaystyle \nsubseteqq } ![{\displaystyle \nsubseteqq }]( |
\nsubseteqq |
⊉ {\displaystyle \nsupseteqq } ![{\displaystyle \nsupseteqq }]( |
\nsupseteqq |
⊊ {\displaystyle \subsetneq } ![{\displaystyle \subsetneq }]( |
\subsetneq |
⊋ {\displaystyle \supsetneq } ![{\displaystyle \supsetneq }]( |
\supsetneq |
⊊ {\displaystyle \varsubsetneq } ![{\displaystyle \varsubsetneq }]( |
\varsubsetneq |
⊋ {\displaystyle \varsupsetneq } ![{\displaystyle \varsupsetneq }]( |
\varsupsetneq |
⫋ {\displaystyle \subsetneqq } ![{\displaystyle \subsetneqq }]( |
\subsetneqq |
⫌ {\displaystyle \supsetneqq } ![{\displaystyle \supsetneqq }]( |
\supsetneqq |
⫋ {\displaystyle \varsubsetneqq } ![{\displaystyle \varsubsetneqq }]( |
\varsubsetneqq |
⫌ {\displaystyle \varsupsetneqq } ![{\displaystyle \varsupsetneqq }]( |
\varsupsetneqq |