Short manual for connecting Orange Pi One to PCM5102 DAC.
Connect DAC as presented on the figure above:
OrangePi+ + OpenElec + DAC audio (PCM5102 or ES9023)
0. Install latest OpenElec image on your microSD card
1. Mount system for writing
mount -o remount,rw /flash
2. Using bin2fex convert script.bin to script.fex
Oryginal script.bin rename to script.bin.00
3. Edit script.fex :
daudio_used = 1
w1_used = 0
4. Using fex2bin convert script.fex do script.bin
5. In /storage/.config/ craete file and make it executable
6. Edit :
modprobe sunxi-daudiodma0
modprobe sunxi-snddaudio0
modprobe sunxi-daudio0
modprobe snddaudio0
) &
7. Connect your DAC (PCM5102 or ES9023)
8. Run OpenElec and configure sound source.
Source: [SOLVED] audio i2s with OpenElec – page 4 – Openelec – OrangePi – Powered by Discuz!