String Quartet No. 8 (Shostakovich)

The piece was written shortly after Shostakovich reluctantly joined the Communist Party. According to the score, it is dedicated “to the victims of fascism and the war“; his son Maxim interprets this as a reference to the victims of all totalitarianism, while his daughter Galina says that he dedicated it to himself, and that the published dedication was imposed by the Russian authorities. Shostakovich’s friend, Lev Lebedinsky, said that Shostakovich thought of the work as his epitaph and that he planned to commit suicide around this time. Peter J. Rabinowitz has also pointed to covert references to Richard Strauss’s Metamorphosen in the Eighth Quartet.

The work was written in Dresden, where Shostakovich was to write music for the film Five Days, Five Nights, a joint project by Soviet and East German filmmakers about the bombing of Dresden in World War II.

The quartet was premiered in 1960 in Leningrad by the Beethoven Quartet. In the liner notes of the Borodin Quartet‘s 1962 recording, music critic Erik Smith writes, “The Borodin Quartet played this work to the composer at his Moscow home, hoping for his criticisms. But Shostakovich, overwhelmed by this beautiful realisation of his most personal feelings, buried his head in his hands and wept. When they had finished playing, the four musicians quietly packed up their instruments and stole out of the room.

String Quartet No. 8 (Shostakovich) was last modified: December 9th, 2020 by Jovan Stosic

Nvidia settings don’t stick

Any changes you make in the NVIDIA X Server Settings utility to brightness, contrast and gamma will revert back to their original default values
after restarting your system, or even after logging out and back in. If you want the changes to remain, then you will have to manually edit the
“.nvidia-settings-rc” file. For the benefit of anyone else reading this topic, this is a hidden file located in “/home/your-user-name” and will only be available after installation of a Nvidia proprietary driver. Open the file and at the bottom add the line:
The default value is 1.000 and any value below it will darken the screen. I have mine set to 0.900. This makes any text on the screen a little darker and easier for me to read.

To change the Gamma of only one color add the lines:
0/RedGamma=1.000 (whatever value you want)

Save the file. Unfortunately, if you ever reopen the NVIDIA X Server Settings utility, then these settings will be removed from this file and you will
have to manually add them back. This is not a problem for me since I will rarely need to use that utility but for others it may be a good idea to have a backup of that file. Some day if I have some extra time, I may work on this problem.
If this method does not work, then you will also have to add the following line to the xinitrc file located in “/etc/X11/xinit”. Right click on the file and select “Open as Root”. Open the file and add the line:
nvidia-settings –load-config-only


Source: Nvidia settings don’t stick – Linux Mint Forums

Nvidia settings don’t stick was last modified: December 8th, 2020 by Jovan Stosic

why I have a PDP DEACT ??? SIM300C | Forum for Electronics

>> AT+CGATT=1   - Attach to GPRS Service 
<< OK 

>> AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","wap.cingular"   - Define PDP Context (cid, PDP type, APN) 
<< OK 

>> AT+CDNSCFG="","" - Configure Domain Name Server (primary DNS, secondary DNS) 
<< OK 

>> AT+CSTT="wap.cingular","wap(at)","cingular1" - Start Task & set APN, User ID, and password 
<< OK 

>> AT+CIICR     - Bring up wireless connection with GPRS - THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE 
<< OK 

>> AT+CIFSR      - Get Local IP address 
<<   - returns IP address assigned to your module 
<< OK 

>> AT+CIPSTATUS      - Get Connection Status 
<< OK 
<< STATE: IP STATUS   - returns status of connection, needs to be 'IP STATUS' before you can connect to a server

After you have context, you need to make a connection to the server and then send your data.

>> AT+CIPHEAD=1      - Tells module to add an 'IP Header' to receive data 
<< OK 

>> AT+CDNSORIP=1   - Indicates whether connection request will be IP address (0), or domain name (1) 
<< OK 

>> AT+CIPSTART="TCP","","80" - Start up TCP connection (mode, IP address/name, port) 
<< OK 
<< CONNECT OK      - Indicates you've connected to the server - IT MAKE TAKE A WHILE FOR THIS TO BE RETURNED 

>> AT+CIPSEND      - Issue Send Command 
<< >                   - wait for module to return'>' to indicate it's ready to receive data 
>> GET / HTTP/1.1   - Send data - this example is an HTTP request for the default page 
>> Host: [url][/url] 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> Accept: */* 
>> Accept-Language: en-us 
<< data from server returned - Server will return data here

Source: why I have a PDP DEACT ??? SIM300C | Forum for Electronics

why I have a PDP DEACT ??? SIM300C | Forum for Electronics was last modified: December 5th, 2020 by Jovan Stosic

Using SIM7020 with Arduino Uno for NB-IoT applications – Software Development / Project Development – GitHub Support Community

suggests that the Adafruit FONA library can be used to talk to SIM7000 – maybe even the SIM7020?

Source: Using SIM7020 with Arduino Uno for NB-IoT applications – Software Development / Project Development – GitHub Support Community

Using SIM7020 with Arduino Uno for NB-IoT applications – Software Development / Project Development – GitHub Support Community was last modified: December 5th, 2020 by Jovan Stosic

at command – SIM800L: AT+CIICR always goes to PDP DEACT state – Stack Overflow

SIM800 R14.18


=========== AT+CIPSHUT ===========

=========== AT+CIPSTATUS ===========


=========== AT+CSTT ===========

=========== AT+CIPSTATUS ===========


=========== AT+CGATT ===========




Source: at command – SIM800L: AT+CIICR always goes to PDP DEACT state – Stack Overflow

at command – SIM800L: AT+CIICR always goes to PDP DEACT state – Stack Overflow was last modified: December 5th, 2020 by Jovan Stosic

Kubernetes vs. Docker

The Symbiosis Between Kubernetes and Docker

The question, “Kubernetes or Docker?” in itself is rather absurd, like comparing apples to oranges. One isn’t an alternative to the other. Quite the contrary; Kubernetes can run without Docker and Docker can function without Kubernetes. But Kubernetes can (and does) benefit greatly from Docker and vice versa.

Docker is a standalone software that can be installed on any computer to run containerized applications. Containerization is an approach of running applications on an OS such that the application is isolated from the rest of the system. You create an illusion for your application that it is getting its very own OS instance, although there may be other containers running on same system. Docker is what enables us to run, create and manage containers on a single operating system.

Kubernetes turns it up to 11, so to speak. If you have Docker installed on a bunch of hosts (different operating systems), you can leverage Kubernetes. These nodes, or Docker hosts, can be bare-metal servers or virtual machines. Kubernetes can then allow you to automate container provisioning, networking, load-balancing, security and scaling across all these nodes from a single command line or dashboard. A collection of nodes that is managed by a single Kubernetes instance is referred to as a Kubernetes cluster.

Now, why would you need to have multiple nodes in the first place? The two main motivations behind it are:

  1. To make the infrastructure more robust: Your application will be online, even if some of the nodes go offline, i.e, High availability.
  2. To make your application more scalable: If workload increases, simply spawn more containers and/or add more nodes to your Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes automates the process of scaling, managing, updating and removing containers. In other words, it is a container orchestration platform. While Docker is at the heart of the containerization, it enables us to have containers in the first place.

Source: Kubernetes vs. Docker: A Primer – Container Journal

Kubernetes vs. Docker was last modified: December 4th, 2020 by Jovan Stosic

yaml – Using Docker-Compose, how to execute multiple commands

command: bash -c "python migrate && python runserver"

Same example in multilines:

command: >
    bash -c "python migrate
    && python runserver"


command: bash -c "
    python migrate
    && python runserver


Source: yaml – Using Docker-Compose, how to execute multiple commands – Stack Overflow

yaml – Using Docker-Compose, how to execute multiple commands was last modified: December 3rd, 2020 by Jovan Stosic